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关于我们  About Us








Our Mission

To nurture a child's love for the mother tongue and to let the mother tongue help with the child's future.

Our Vision

To grow with the children, to help the children discover themselves and become themselves; My Bright Education to provide a warm learning environment.

Our Values

The nourishment of the mother tongue is like the brilliance of the sun and the moon.


我们的故事  Our Story
















In 2008, with the birth of my second daughter, I resigned from my job as a teacher and became a full-time stay-at-home dad. 

As I accompanied my little daughter in her early growing up years, my feelings and thinking towards education changed.

In 2017, after working as a teacher in a local school for 17 years, Yu Lao Shi also decided to resign from her job to open her own learning centre. 

Our friends could not understand why we would give up a relatively stable life. After all, we were not that young anymore. 

Our eldest daughter came to Singapore at the age of 7 with a solid foundation in her mother tongue. However, she seemed to have thrown away the Chinese language after she graduated from secondary school. She even told us, “I hate Chinese!” 

The statement “I hate Chinese” did not just come from our daughter. It has also come out of the mouths of many students who are still studying, and many former students. 

As Chinese teachers, whilst we were puzzled by this phenomenon, we were also deeply saddened. This is neither the children’s fault nor the fault of the Chinese language. 

We felt the need to do something about this, even if all we could do was just to make small changes. 

Therefore, My Bright Education was born. 

We hope many more children can experience the joy and confidence in learning Chinese. We hope many more children will like the Chinese language, and that the language will give the children a competitive edge in the future. 

In this journey, we are delighted to discover we have been able to achieve what we set out to do! Many children have changed because of us! 

We will continue to move ahead without hesitation. 

We are setting off again, for the children, and also for ourselves.

                                                     Jia Liming Lao Shi

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